Thursday, March 1, 2007

What a surprise when 12 pink roses were delivered to my door yesterday.
The card said:


Well, I picked up the phone and called my mother and left a message saying thanks for the flowers. I was still working when she called back and told her again thanks mom the flowers are beautiful. Told her I had to go and would call back again when I got off work.

I kept on working and when I got off work, I was going to pay my on line bills and noticed that Grace's bank account was considerably smaller than it was the day before. I said to myself she's been shopping again. I looked at the activity and saw Jennie's Florist and then said oops she sent the flowers. I didn't pay attention to anything else but the words Jennie's Florist and left her bank activty page and went ahead and paid my bills.

After I turned off the computers (work and home) I took my camera phone and took a picture of them and sent them to her and said Thanks I love them.

I then had to call my mother and ask did you send flowers. She said no, but in between our phone calls to each other yesterday she called Brian and asked if he did it and he had said no.

I didn't think that Grace would send me flowers because I know that she can't afford them because of being a college student and she knows that I don't like the hoopla that goes with birthdays. Just saying Happy Birthday is just enough for me. In fact, I didn't expect anything from her because she had texted me before she started classes yesterday Happy Birthday, Mommy. So, I had figured that was my birthday greeting. Which was exactly what I had expected. What a blessing it is to have your child do something so sweet.


Rita Loca said...

oh! That is sooo sweet!

Unknown said...

I just asked her on her blog what she did for your birthday? Now I will surf back over there and tell her "Never Mind! I just read her mom's blog!" Great going Grace! I know the feeling Missy. It sort of makes up for all the times we felt unappreciated while bringing them up doesn't it?