Monday, April 16, 2007

My weekend

Well, it wasn't too eventful.
Went to Mom's on Saturday and we went to play Bingo. She won, I didn't. I figure that everytime I go someone else needs to win more than I do. Its the memories not the time or money, right? My mom loves Bingo so much that she even calls Bingo at the VFW and she has a lot of friends there. One Christmas, I bought her a Bingo bag. She really likes it because it is vinyl, ahd can just be wiped off if she spills something on it. She had a cloth one and Cara took her bingo dobbers and opened them and placed them upside down in her cloth one and ruined it. (A bingo dobber is almost like a magic market but the tip is about the size of a quarter and the bottle looks like a bottle of shoe polish.) It has pockets for her bingo dobbers and then the middle is for her "lucky charms" (I don't think she has any, but she hides her winnings in there). She is really good at bingo. she can keep track of her 3 sheets with 9 cards per sheet and my 2 sheets, too.

Sunday, I went to church and started to hear a really good Sunday school lesson about Words and how they can either harm us or help us. Brother Gay is a really good teacher. I then got my babies - Bethany and Kodi and we had Sunday School and Jr. Church. They are really good children and I enjoy everytime I get to see them.
Then, I came home from church, opened the windows for a few hours- the A/C is broken, took a nap, woke up cold and closed the windows,went back to sleep, woke up again, finished reading the newspaper and clipping coupons.

I went back to church Sunday night and Brother Gay preached about brotherly love and how church members should greet new people and make the church members feel welcome as well as visitore. It was a great message. Hebrews 13:1-5.

I like to hear Brother Gay preach or as he says teach when my pastor can't be there. By the way, Pastor is home and getting better all the time.


Unknown said...

Yes, many times churches have cliques, no matter how small the congregation, it can happen. ALL people should feel warmth and love upon entering God's house. It should be like a hospital for the wounded! A place to come for healing after a rough day at work, not a place for judgemental and cranky people to put others in their places. We are commanded to ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER, not gripe and complain!

Missy said...

I totally agree. I think a "sweet sweet spirit should be in this place" at all times. Unsave people usually seek church as a last resort for comfort and peace, why should they have to feel like it is just another part of the drama of life.