I stopped at the traffic light at MLK and Dale Mabry and was going to head north on Hillsborough Ave. The cancer park had a bunch of protesters standing on the side of the road(that’s the north east corner). So now,I must jump up on my soapbox:
Each sign began like this:
then each person (there were about 8, could have been more, could have been less) had this added to it:
Our Troops
There may have been other "reasons" to impeach Bush but those were the ones that caught my eye because I was trying to pay attention to what I was doing -DRIVING!!!
Anyway, this has been on my mind and I need to respond.
First of all, for all of you who want to impeach the President, do you actually know what impeach means?
So for all of you "rocket scientists" who want to impeach the President of the United States here is Webster's definition. that is Merrian-Webster (the dictionary)
1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office c : to remove from office especially for misconduct
2 : to cast doubt on; especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of
If you don't have a Webster's dictionary sitting on the shelf next to the family Bible or it is too much trouble to pull it down and dust it off then you can go to:
http://www.m-w.com/ to find out for yourselves.
You protestors probably feel that impeach means to remove from office. Well, let me tell you something. Before our former President was in office, there had only been one President Impeached: Andrew Johnson
Now, there is another one: William Jefferson Clinton (ouch it hurts to even type the name).
And no, Richard M. Nixon wasn’t impeached, he resigned and wasn’t asked to!
Yes, and for all you who are into politics, they were both DEMOCRATS!!!!!!
For America- the President has tried his best to keep us free.. if it means going to war then, it means going to war. Other Presidents did it or do you remember…..
The Civil War
World War I
World War II
Gulf War
Yes, you may not have agreed to these but, there weren’t too many protestors against the President at the time of World War I or World War II. The protesters are more well know today because of TV but more because the men today are not men anymore, they are WIMPS!!!!!!! In my opinion, we have probably more women than men that would be willing to fight for our country and be proud of it.
For our troops…
Self explanatory….
Did you go into the military as a profession or to get a college degree????
Yes, all men still have to register, but they have not been drafted. The ones that are fighting the war took the job. Now, they have to do what they were trained to do. Unfortunately, it is more hazardous for this on-the-job training then when I had on-the-job training for my nice cozy desk job – might I add in the comforts of my own home. And the ones that are there are not raising so much chaos as the ones that here at home.
For Jesus..
Come on! Do you really think that Jesus would want our President (or any other one for that matter) impeached. He put him into office…. TWICE!!!
Nothing more to say on that one!
Well, if the people would think about what the sign really means, they actually may have to change the sign.
And for all those sign bearers from Saturday:
Remember this, I didn’t carry a sign to impeach the former President. God told me to respect the man in authority. I never said anything bad about him – I just choose not to say anything about him. I prayed and supported our former President until God had the right man for the right time put into office. Now, be an American, support your President, and think before someone says “Here’s your sign” . And might I add… you probably need to get a real job!
That’s my opinion and I am entitled to it. I think Dennis Miller used to use some sort of wording like that on his TV show on HBO years ago. I am going to give him credit for that saying.
I am jumping down now
Have a great day..
By the way, 2.4 more pounds are gone!!!!!!!
That makes 7.4 lbs gone. I can fit into the clothes I bought last summer.
Now, to work on the other 12.6 pounds so I can buy a new outfit. I told myself I would buy a new outfit after 20 pounds lost.
LOL! Quite the rant! Congrats on the weight loss!
woo-hoo for the weight loss! and I know your frustration! Enough already from these people causing discord in our country! Let's just fight this war and win. What do they have against winning, pray tell?
I really don't think it is winning they are afraid of. It is that 3 letter word WAR!
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