Thursday, April 24, 2008

A real bargain @ only $3.51 per gallon

Well, I figured I needed to put gas in the car again. I was down to 1/2 tank and figured I had better fill up while I could still afford it. IT TOOK $40.00 TO FILL IT 1/2 WAY!!!!
This time it was $.08 per gallon more. Woo Hoo!! (Note the sense of sarcasm) I went to the BP station and used my debit card. If you use the debit card at the station @ MLK and Armenia, you don't have to pay the extra $.03 per gallon like you do at most stations with a credit card.
As I went to the gym today, I thought I saw $3.91 per gallon at the Sunoco station and I tried to take a picture with my cell phone. It wasn't clear enough to save so I think that one of the LED lights on the sign is stuck on, making the cost appear to be $3.91 per gallon. I think that it is $3.51 per gallon because the Hess station across the street was $3.53 per gallon.

Yes, Pam, I can blog more in one week than you!!! Nanny nanny boo boo!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm twice in one week? Well your Nanny Nanny Boo Boo is well accepted!