Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just got a phone call

Came from 999 999 9999. Wanting to do a survey with either Grace or me.

I said ok.

Question: How closely are your following the presidential race? 1 to 5, 1 being very closely, 5 being not at all.

I said 1.

Question: Who would you vote for in the presidential race, McCain or Obama?

I said McCain without even thinking!

Question: Even, though you said John McCain, how likely would you be to vote or Obama?

Without hesitating and almost yelling at the poor survey girl... NEVER

Question: What is your age for our demographics: 45

She didn't even want to talk anymore with me. Wonder why?



Unknown said...

yes, its time for all those warm, fuzzy phone calls to begin! Political season in full swing!

Unknown said...

oops I forgot to add this

"Why am I not surprised by your answers?"

Rita Loca said...