Friday, August 10, 2007

I am done with Summer Session B

I made a B.I made a B.I made a B.I made a B.I made a B.I made a B.

Oh! by the way i made a B. IN PUBLIC SPEAKING. This very shy, introverted person mad a B. I was so quiet when I was in high school. My history teacher gave me the "Jesse Helms silent majority" award in our senior history class. I even sat still and was very quiet while the professor talked about a Baptist Minister dancing in the aisles of church. But I had to make a comment when he said something to the effect that the conservative Christians like your Baptists and Church of Christ people like to home school and they look down upon the ones who don't. I had to defend my friends then. I then advised that i was independent Baptist (I think I saw him roll his eyes half way) and told him that several of my friends homeschool and never have looked down on me because I didn't. I didn't send my daughter to public high school but she went to private christian school and is now at a private christian college. He was giving an argument about anti homeschooling. I then explained a little about Shane (his test scores) and Joshua (ability to play sports with WestGate) because he said homeschoolers sometimes did not get the complete education and sometimes lack social skills. He then said well your friend is a good mother to make sure of this.

Thank you Lord!!!

I now have 29 credits and 31 more to go. I am already registered and paid for the fall semester.. Freshman English II and Ethics. I was going to take religion but it was a conflict with my church visitation schedule.

Which is more important? This is a no brainer!!
Yep you got it right!

Whew!! Life has been sooo busy here lately. Grace goes back to school on Tuesday. Even though the dorms don't open until 8/24, she is going to go to work @ IHOP up there and make her book money. She has some friends that she will be staying with before the dorms open.

I can't believe that she is leaving already. My baby is too young to be a Junior in college.
I can't believe I am in college.
God gives us so many choices and all I had to do was lean on Him to make the right choice. Still trying to hit the 20# weight loss mark. It is tough, but I will not give up.